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Huinca: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Publisher: Digmetalworld

Just recently I reviewed a CD by a Chilean metal band called Lefutray. It seems like Chile produces some great metal since I’ve now got a new CD, the debut album Sic Semper Tyrannis from another Chilean band called Huinca. Huinca has four members: Mauricio Contreras, Flavio Salas, Gonzalo Arias, and Cristian Mardones, who write and produce all of their music. Personally, I like seeing a band that writes their own stuff as they naturally will have more of a connection to the music. Just because this is their debut album doesn’t mean that they are a new group. Huinca have been together for three years now. They describe themselves as "Tribal Native American Metal." Some songs are in Spanish, some are in English, and some are a combination of both.

I love this guy’s voice. I do wish I spoke Spanish so I could understand more of the lyrics, but I love the way the language sounds in metal songs. The rolled "R" especially sounds neat. Of course, it doesn’t really matter that a large part of the songs aren’t in English. There are a lot of metal bands that are quite popular with lyrics in other languages and quite a few that are even in English that you can’t understand. I think that Sic Semper Tyrannis is going to have to join my permanent collection of music that I can’t understand but still love.

Opening the album is "Revuelta," which is in all Spanish. "Revuelta" is a catchy tune, which is relatively fast with a steady beat and a heavy sound. The beginning of the album sounds similar to Megadeth. Following that is "Orias." It is partially Spanish and partially English and is still heavy, but is a bit more melodic. "Trepador" speeds up with a heavier beat and sound resembling Slayer. It is entirely Spanish. I love the sound that is a cross between Megadeth and Slayer. These guys are excellent musicians with a true talent for mixing faster and slower sounds. Anyone can just play fast, but it takes talent to slow it down and speed it back up perfectly.

"Genocide" is a slower, lower, almost a growl of a song in English. I love the guitars in the chorus. It is a unique sound with a tribal feeling. "Rapa Nui" also has a tribal sound to it, more so than any other on the album. "Cae" has a different sound from anything else on the album. To me it sounds like the acid rock from the late 60’s. There’s a slow plucking of strings and a melodic sound. For some reason, it makes me think of The Doors song "The Crystal Ship." As "Cae" progresses through, it slowly gets faster and a bit heavier.

Overall, I have really enjoyed Huinca’s Sic Semper Tyrannis. They have a very strong and unique sound that I find compelling. The more I listen to the album, the more I enjoy it. I can’t wait to hear what their next album sounds like. If you’re looking for a metal band with a bit of a different sound, check out Huinca’s Sic Semper Tyrannis today!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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