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Waves of Fury: Thirst

Waves of Fury: Thirst is the new full-length album by indie rock band Waves Of Fury, released in October 2012 by Alive Records and recorded at Toybox Studios in Bristol, UK. Founded by Londoner Carter Sharp, the Waves formed as recently as 2008 and are one of the bands making it big in the press these days, and are another induction into the sub-genre of "noise pop."

Somerset-based, the Waves have managed to combine their punk influence with that all-time English favorite, rhythm & blues. Carter Sharp, who supplies some chords and all of the vocals, became interested in American Broadway musicals, and has since utilized his raspy-whine singing sound to the band's benefit, trying his best to hit the high notes. Sounding like a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Rod Stewart, Sharp performs his sultry rocker sound in Thirst on several tracks, including the band's debut release "The Businessman's Guide To Witchcraft."

Thirst is a blend of genres and expressions packed with energy. The tracks explode with powerful sound and lyrics influenced by Gothic writers like Edgar Allen Poe.

Other Wave members include pianist Jamie Bird, drummer James MacPhee, guitarist Fil Ward and Bim Williams for the horns. For the underground rock scene, I see the Waves doing well. For the more mainstream rock scene, maybe not as much, as sometimes lyrics and song combination are a little hard to keep up with. Waves of Fury: Thirst is good for a collector’s item.

-Ravebaby, GameVortex Communications
AKA Josh Daniel
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