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Fastway: Eat Dog Eat

Fastway first came on the scene way back in 1983 when "Fast" Eddie Clark and Pete Way decided to put an album together, hence the name Fastway. Between 1983 and 1990, they put out quite a few albums and went through even more lineup changes. Until now, they haven't produced any new music since 1990. With Fast Eddie Clark back on Guitars, Toby Jepson playing Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, and Vocals, and Matt Eldridge on Drums, Fastway has finally released a new 11 song album titled Eat Dog Eat.

There are several different bands that Fastway reminds me of depending on which song I am listening to. The overall album has a very typical 80's rock sound. It reminds me of what you would hear on a normal radio station in the mid to late 80's, which makes sense as that was when the band developed their sound. Personally, I like that there are still bands putting out music that is fun with a great 80's feel. The first song "Deliver Me" is slow and steady and really reminds me of Blue Murder. The second song is called "Fade Out," and it really reminds me of Queensryche in both lyrics and sound. "Leave the Light On" is an upbeat-sounding song musically and lyrically. The lyrics might not sound like it at first, but there is a real message to it if you listen. It's a bit faster than the first few songs and just has a fun sound. "Dead and Gone" is a slow power ballad reminiscent of Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive" with that almost western feel, but not really. I love the line in it, "I believe sometimes hate does some good" and "I believe without a doubt beauty is found in the flaws" which just reminds me of the conversation in Hellboy about liking people for their good qualities, but loving them for their flaws. I really like that concept and this song seems to embody it. "Who Do You Believe" is a song that will make you think about things a bit if you listen to the lyrics. The music has a solid sound and a steady tempo. "Love I Need" is a faster "love" song, if you can call it that. It's more about the act than the sentiment, though. It definitely has that fun 80's feeling to it.

Those are just some of the songs on the album. I think that "Dead and Gone" and "Leave the Light On" are probably my favorite two to listen to on the album. They both have very different feelings to them, but I like them both. One thing that I really like is that there is an album liner that has all the song lyrics and even some band photos. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the front and back cover artwork, but I do like having lyrics and such available. There's not much that really stands out on the album as the next greatest hit, but all of the songs are upbeat and fun to listen to. If you want some new music with a solid rock n' roll feel to it, check out Fastway: Eat Dog Eat.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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