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Ignitor: Year of the Metal Tiger

I think that Jason McMaster is the busiest frontman in music. Just recently, I reviewed Evil United's self-titled album where he was the lead vocalist and now I have Ignitor: Year of the Metal Tiger with him once again singing. If you're like me, your first question is something along the lines of "Why is the CD called Year of the Metal Tiger" when this is actually the Year of the Water Dragon? The answer actually is quite simple - the CD was written and recorded in 2010, the Year of the Metal Tiger, it just wasn't released until 2012. Stuart Laurence, the lead guitarist, wrote all of the lyrics and the majority of the music, assisted by guitarist Beverly Barrington on two of the songs. Rounding out the band are Brendon Bigalow on bass and Pat Doyle on the drums. For those of you who have kept up with this band throughout the years, you will notice that Beverly Barrington is back in the band after her 2006 departure and Jason McMaster is new to the vocals.

Year of the Metal Tiger starts off strong with my favorite song on the album, "Heavy Metal Holocaust." It's a slow, gritty song about Ozzy and the devil. It's got a "Devil Went Down to Georgia" feeling to the lyrics, except just a bit different. I do love that a zombie Randy Rhodes saves the day. I love that kind of song. The next song is called "Beast in Black." It is a faster-sounding song about a knight of years ago. "Beast in Black" has a very power metal feel to it with a bit of a speed metal sound as well. The third and fourth songs really sound alike to me. They both have a generic metal sound and are both about battles. "Island of the Damned" is up after that. It's got a completely different theme from the rest of the album as it is about voodoo. "The Kaiser" is a slower song about love, but not exactly what you're thinking when I say love. The final song on the album is called "We Are Ignitor" and is a bit of a theme song for the band. It's not my favorite on the album, but it is good with a heavy beat and a strong, solid sound.

While Ignitor: Year of the Metal Tiger is not my favorite of the CDs that I have reviewed lately, it is a heavy contender. These musicians are quite talented and I really like the new lineup for this band from Austin, Texas. Yes, it is a bit different feeling having a male vocalist instead of the quite powerful Erika Tandy, but I think that McMaster does an amazing job providing just as much power. Ignitor's older works do sound a bit different, but if you're a fan, you will still enjoy this new offering.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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