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The Fall: Ersatz G.B.

Put out by MVD Audio (of MVD Entertainment Group), The Fall: Ersatz G.B. is an album by punk vets The Fall, a band that formed in Manchester in 1977. From what I understand through my years of listening to college radio and underground CD's, there are two kinds of punk rock: the kind that gets you dancing, and the kind that leaves you thinking.... hard.

After listening to Ersatz G.B., all I can tell you is not to waste your time. All that you'll probably get out of it is indistinct verbal whining and a few chords. I have no clue what "Nate Will Not Return" is about, aside from something about his cat and dog. Other titles you'll see on the back are "Monochord," "Taking Off" and "Age Of Chang." The track list will be very important while listening to the album, considering the titles are hardly ever said, and if they are, it is very hard to comprehend.

I got a little relief from "Happi Song" where Eleni Poulou, the only female of the group, takes over the vocals. But then, asking "If I can see, and you can see, why can't they see?" nearly over and over spoils the entertainment value, especially when you don't know who it is and what they apparently can't see. Although the rock is okay, lead vocalist Mark E. Smith seems to be trying a bit too hard to sound like Iggy Pop, just putting words together that rhyme while gurgling out three or four at a time. The big accomplishment made for Ersatz G.B. is that The Fall has re-established themselves as anti-pop, as this is what the alternative and punk genre has been about for decades. This is the kind of band that has a very exclusive cult following - again, strictly underground. If you're coked up and ready to jump around in your room, this is probably the album for you. Otherwise, start looking for something better.

-Ravebaby, GameVortex Communications
AKA Josh Daniel

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