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The Dwarves: The Dwarves Are Born Again

The Dwarves are one of those bands that has been around for years and achieved cult fame pretty darn well. Of course, when you're known for things such as a guitarist who plays nude or wearing only a jock strap (and always a wrestling mask), band members who hurt themselves and audience members, and band members having sex on stage during live shows, you're going to gain quite a bit of notoriety, but probably won't ever make it mainstream. In more recent years though, their antics have been a bit more tamed and had more mainstream success with songs being used in film and TV. Their line-up has changed a bit over the years as well. Blag the Ripper and HeWhoCannotBeNamed are the constant members. Other members include Rex Everything, Gregory Pecker, and Fresh Prince of Darkness. Their new CD The Dwarves Are Born Again is vulgar, crude, definitely not suitable for children, and a hell of a lot of fun!

The first song "The Dwarves Are Still the Best Band Ever" makes me think of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in some weird way. It just has that same irreverent feel to it with a more pop beat. Of course, The Dwarves can make even Frank-N-Furter blush! The next one that I really find addictive is "Looking Out For Number One." I mean, I know he's on the run wanted for the death of his girlfriend, but I really think he's having a great time anyway. "It's a Wonderful Life of Sin" pretty well described a day in the life of The Dwarves. "Zip Zero" is about a super hero (or not so super) that I find amusing. I'd almost like to see a comic of him. But I think that my personal favorite song on the album is "Working Class Hole." For any of us who work a daily 9-5 job, you'll understand why I like it when you hear it. There are quite a few more songs on the album, 18 songs total, which will definitely keep you listening for a while!

If a CD wasn't enough to make you buy this album, you also get a bonus The Dwarves are Born Again 25 Year Anniversary DVD, complete with its own theme song while it waits on you to hit play. There are 6 Chapters for you to choose to play, "From the Vault", "Lets Have Some Violence", "Greedy Worldwide", "The Videos", "Recognize the Dwarves Slut", and "A Little on the Side." This is a lot of extra features that run a long time. "From the Vault" is a collection of really old videos that look like they were shot in garages, house parties, and small clubs. I really like seeing the old stuff like that though. I'm amazed at how much of it they have available, and how much of it has survived over the years. It's also amazing how much cleaner their sound is now! Fair warning, HeWhoCannotBeNamed is playing his traditional naked style in a few, so be prepared for the full total nakedness. "Lets Have Some Violence" are videos of some of those live shows with injuries that I mentioned at the beginning. "The Videos" has 13 different of the band's videos. Once again, there are some dirty videos, but what else would you expect of The Dwarves. There's a whole lot more material on there that I haven't even mentioned. There is enough for you to watch The Dwarves for a while!

I like music that is fun. It doesn't really matter what genre, but as long as it entertains me, I like it. The Dwarves are pure and simple fun. Granted it is not the kind of fun that you should let your children listen to. I should think that the album cover and the CD art alone should make you realize that under no circumstances are The Dwarves suitable for children. But adults should have fun too and this is the perfect fun for adults! You probably shouldn't act on their songs all the time, but it's freeing to think that you can if you want. If you're looking for simple but entertaining punk, check out The Dwarves: The Dwarves are Born Again new release today.

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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