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Look Who?s Talking DVD Collection
Score: 80%
Rating: PG-13
Publisher: Columbia/Tristar
Region: 1
Media: DVD/3
Running Time: 273 minutes
Genre: Family/Comedy/Box Set
Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0

  • Actor Biographies
  • Movie Trailers

Hmmm... I?ve delayed reviewing the Look Who?s Talking DVD Collection long enough. Yes, I know my beloved Panasonic DVD player crapped out during this review (sob!!), and I know that I was completely at loose ends about the cancellation of Star Trek: Enterprise and all, but ya know, sometimes you just have to suck it up and do your job.

Now then, let me ask the single overriding question about the Look Who?s Talking DVD Collection: How much love is there for a set of movies where the best you can say is that they?ve provided actress Kirstie Alley with about half the material for her ?Fat Actress? TV program?

That said, are the Look Who?s Talking movies all that bad?

Oh, yes, Petunia, they are.

The original Look Who?s Talking was mildly amusing, mostly because John Travolta was somewhat fresh then, the aforementioned Alley was still somewhat svelte, and Baby Mikey was voiced by Bruce Willis, who managed to imbue the part with enough fun to pretty much carry everyone else along. Without him, the film would have needed:

    a) a tub of popcorn the size of the Queen Mary to help people stay in their seats,
    b) hundred dollar bills under the theater seats, released from plastic holders only during the end credits, or
    c) both of the above.

I joke, you say. No film could be that bad.

You?re right. In fact Look Who?s Talking Too makes Look Who?s Talking view like a Ph.D. dissertation from MIT.

And ditto for Look Who?s Talking Now, only to the power of infinity.

That?s not to say these films don?t have their charms. They do. Yeah... they do. No, don?t hurry me... I?m thinking...

Anyway, on to the DVD box set of these three gems.

Disc 1 contains Look Who?s Talking and... Ta Da Da Daaaaaaaaaaah! The Theatrical Trailer.

Disc 2 contains Look Who?s Talking Too and... Ta Da Da Daaaaaaaaaaah! The Theatrical Trailer and the trailer for Stuart Little and Baby Geniuses, biographies of director Amy Heckerling, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Olympia Dukakis, Bruce Willis, and Roseanne Barr.

Disc 3 contains Look Who?s Talking Now and... Ta Da Da Daaaaaaaaaaah! The Theatrical Trailer.

Of course, each disc has interactive menus and scene selection. It?s a shame there couldn?t have been commentaries for all three films. Forget about the adult stars. Memories from all the child actors would probably have rivaled anything Danny Bonaduce ever said about being a kid star with The Partridge Family.

If you?re a fan of the Look Who?s Talking series, you may just want to take your baby, your sister?s baby, your brother?s baby, or a neighbor?s baby (with their permission, of course) down to the store and pretend to have the baby talking while you find and pay for a copy of this DVD box set. While I?m not 100% sure of this, such an excursion would probably will be more amusing than many moments from the actual films.

Yeeeesh... to paraphrase the Emperor-turned-llama in the The Emperor?s New Groove, ?I?m a bad reviewer... bad reviewer...? Oh well...

DVD viewed on Pixa Model 810

-Jetzep, GameVortex Communications
AKA Tom Carroll

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